Under the influence: using customers to collect customers
April 28, 2017
No matter how fantastic your product or service might be, getting the attention of your target audience can be a tremulous task – especially for small kiwi businesses. In a world where we tend to roll our eyes at obvious advertisements, it can be hard to target the trustworthy marketing zone wherein a potential customer can feel comfortable and eventually...

The benefits of video for business: websites
February 17, 2017
Soaring sales and increased conversions If you’ve got products to sell then video marketing is your new best friend. Studies show that by merely featuring a product video on your site’s landing page, you can increase conversions by more than 80%! Why? Well, sight is the most dominant of our senses so it therefore makes sense that videos would...

Continued: Choosing the right social network (Pinterest and Instagram)
February 9, 2017
Instagram This crisp, clean, visually-focussed social network is perfect for clients with eye-catching imagery to share. Instagram sells the concept of an experience, which is why brands often employ popular Instagrammers to share images of themselves using the product: faithful audience members – in an effort to mimic the Instagrammer’s lifestyle – will shop for the same products that...

Choosing the right social network for your business
January 25, 2017
So you’ve decided it’s time to bring your brand to social media. Or, perhaps, you’ve already accumulated several accounts for your brand, and you’re finding it challenging to figure out which ones are successfully networking your business and which are wasting your time and energy. We know that you’ve got an audience of potential clients out there who are eager...

5 reasons your website isn’t working
August 21, 2016
Small Business
How is your website contributing to your business? It’s not often we start a new blog article by asking a question, but if you’re going to talk about website design for businesses, this is one of the most important questions you need to ask. Is your website improving your sales rate? Is it bringing in new leads and clients? Do...

Online marketing stats you need to know for 2016!
June 20, 2016
Online Marketing
If you’re like most business owners out there, you probably spent a fair amount of time at the beginning of this year setting goals and targets, and creating a marketing strategy to help you get there. Maybe you wanted to invest more time interacting with your audience on LinkedIn. Or perhaps you wanted to start pushing your products more through...

5 Instagram Tips for Small Businesses
May 22, 2016
Instagram is a social media platform that allows you to visually promote your business to an incredibly wide and growing audience. It’s a community built on the power of visual storytelling, and if you’re not already on Instagram, you might want to reconsider your social media strategy. That said, launching your business onto a new platform can be a little...

SEO basics for small businesses
June 24, 2015
Search Engine Optimisation
If you’re a small business owner, it’s very important that you have a basic understanding of SEO, or search engine optimisation. Chances are you’re very familiar with the term SEO already – as it’s likely your inbox and junk mail folders are full of emails from companies overseas offering you cheap SEO work for your website. But unless you’ve spent...

Practical strategies to grow your business in 2015
January 5, 2015
Online Marketing
There’s no other time like the start of a new year to take a good close look at your business, and identify a few ways to grow over the next 12 months. But before you get stuck in to your work for the New Year, one of the smartest things you can do is develop a strategy that will help...

Lower your bounce rate and increase your conversions
December 2, 2014
Online Marketing
Imagine this: you’re sitting at your desk one day and decide to have a look at some of your website’s latest statistics. You log in to Google Analytics and nearly fall off your chair when you see that in the last week your website has attracted more than 10,000 visitors. That’s great! It means people who are looking for the...