These days people are using mobile devices to access the internet more often than ever before, and the trend shows no signs of changing or slowing down. In fact, Google has said that by the end of 2014 they expect people to be accessing the internet via their mobile device more than anything else, including PCs.
This has big implications for you if your site isn’t mobile friendly. If your site isn’t functional on a mobile device, you’re immediately cutting out more than half of your potential traffic.
To make your site mobile friendly, it needs to incorporate what’s called “responsive design”. This refers to a function which changes the way the site appears based on the device being used to view it. Instead of trying to squeeze all the content on your site to fit in the smaller screen, a responsive design breaks your site up into blocks, and rearranges them in a way that makes the site just as easy to use on a smaller device. Good responsive design will work no matter what device you view it on, from your PC, tablet or smartphone.
If you’re site isn’t mobile friendly, talk to Tailgunner today about a responsive design for your site.
Still not convinced? Here are 10 stats that might change your mind:
- Facebook now has more than 800 million active users on mobile, a 60% increase from the same time a year ago.
- 84% of small businesses who have invested in a mobile presence say that they see benefits, such as an increase in new business activity.
- 79% of shoppers are using their smart phones to help with their purchasing needs.
- There will be one mobile device for every person on earth by 2015.
- According to Google, adding a mobile friendly site results in an overall traffic increase of 18%.
- 46% of consumers are unlikely to return to a mobile site if it did not work properly during their last visit.
- According to Google, over 80% of mobile visits result in an action (of a customer calling the business, visiting their location or making a purchase).
- There are more than 800,000 new smartphones activated everyday!
- More than half of the people that do local mobile searches said they researched on their smartphone because they were in immediate need of a product or service.
- 61% of people have a better opinion of brands when they offer a good mobile experience.